Thursday, August 28, 2008

Extra Innings, Extra bases (8/28 update)

Welcome to day 953 of Round 1 action. :-) Just kidding! But, round 1 has lasted a whole lot longer that I ever would have bet money on. And it's a celebrity death match between Erin's Orioles and Voltaire's Brewers. In case you missed it, I upped the ante after the last set of batters. The players in Round One now get to choose SIX spots. This won't really affect the outcome, other than hopefully speed the game up a little - call it the anti-instant replay... Meanwhile, Joey has been able to keep Chris(M) from doing anything, and we're waiting to see what Dayf and his crew can do in that match!

Round 1 Match 5 - Top of the FIFTH inning! If you've been following along, you know that Erin has fought hard to remain the only female in the tournament. She brought her team back from the very brink of elimination and Voltaire has had quite a time of disposing of them! With the change in player picks, Erin comes into the inning after having chosen SIX batters. Will she be able to utilize all of them? Let's see how things go:

First up is Number 19. The pitcher releases and the lead-off batter sends this one over the fence and high into the stands for a home run! The Orioles take the lead 5-4 as Number 5 comes in to bat next. The Brewers pitcher seems a bit flustered as he gives this batter a free pass to first base with a walk. The girls are going bananas in the dugout. Number 25 pulls herself together enough to take her place at the plate. The pitcher throws, and the batter, she lays down a bunt!? The pitcher turns to throw the runner out at second but can't get there. The throw to first is.... NOT in time! That's two on with no outs. Erina calls Number 12 into the game. The pitcher regains composure and sends Twelve down swinging on strikes. One away here in the top of the fifth. We're in extra innings with the Orioles having taken a 5-4 lead. Number 2 hopes she can move those runners. There's the wind-up, the pitch, and move the runners Number Two does indeed! She sends that ball into no-man's land outta the park for a three-run homer! That's EIGHT to four in the fifth. Voltaire suddenly finds himself in the same position he had Erin in not long ago. Let's see if his pitcher can put the tourniquet on this bleeding! Player Number 29 is still dancing around as she comes up to bat. The pitcher ends the celebration with another strikeout.

That's two outs in the top of the fifth, and Erin's Orioles are STILL up to bat, leading the Brewers 8-4. The question is: How big of a lead will Erin have to maintain in order to survive an onslaught from Voltaire?

Erin, please choose SIX spots again (even though they may or may not get to bat): 01, 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32

READER BONUS QUESTION: First to answer (respond to this post only, no emails, do not respond to some other post, current tourney players are not eligible, however former tourney players are!) correctly gets an auto or game-used card: Who are the three Indians to have hit the 3000-hit mark?

Round 2 Match 1 - Joey is keeping his Rangers in the batting sequence with a runner on third and two outs here in the beginning of Round Two action. Next up number 19 Chris Davis comes to the plate. Chris(M) hopes his pitcher puts the squash on any base-advancing ideas Joey might have. And, sure as shootin', the pitcher gets Davis swinging for the fences but coming up empty.

Chris(M) now selects three players to come to the plate to see what they can do in the bottom of the first in front of their hometown crowd.

Chris(M), select a team name and three players: 01, 02 03, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

Round 2 Match 2 - Dayf took a beating and is down by three runs here in the first inning. He's got 24 hours to select three batters or I'll have to step in for him.

Dayf, choose THREE of your favorite players to come in for the bottom of the first: 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

Round 2 Match 3 - ChrisB, I am going to let you go ahead and bat first in your game, even though you don't know who you're playing against yet. You are starting with a clean card, so all 32 spots are up for your choosing.

ChrisB, please select THREE players from any of the 32 spots on your card! We'll eventually have a team for you to play against! So far, Erin has done quite a job pulling ahead, but as we've seen, there are no sure things in THAT game!!

PLAYER POLL: Do you like the SIX SPOT selection method? Would you like to see ALL picks move to the pick-six format? Just respond here with your thoughts. Thanks!


  1. Do I suddenly become eligible for the giveaway if I answer the poll? Just kidding. I think picking 3 numbers is good, but picking 6 makes more sense for extra innings.

  2. I like the pick six idea. Most of the time that would cover a half inning and help move things along.

  3. First to David's question:

    Nap Lajoie,
    Eddie Murray, and I think
    Dave Winfield, although I'm not sure if he should count since he only played for 1 season.

    Bob Feller could have had 3,000 hits if he wanted to.

    And Chris M. I've got my eye on you. Don't think I forgot.

    Joey, that's me behind the 3rd base dugout. And, I've got that '88 Hinzo in my pocket. I'm just saying.

  4. Motherscratcher - You are close! 2 out of 3...

  5. Woo! Go girls!

    23, 8, 1, 26, 31, 14

  6. I guess I'll stick with the Giants since they performed so admirably for me in the first.

    I'll take 1, 2, 3

  7. OK, it must be someone older, although I could have sworn Winfield had 3,000 hits.

    Do I get another guess?

  8. If I get another guess it's Tris Speaker. I don't want someone jumping in there and capitalizing on my vast Indians baseball knowledge!

  9. Congratulations to Motherscratcher - your persistence pays off: Tris speaker, Nap Lajoie and Eddie Murray are the correct answers! I'll post a formal congrats this evening along with your prize!

  10. In retrospect, as far as I'm concerned, Winfield should count as a Triber with 3000 hits... Maybe I need a better source for Indians trivia... LOL!

  11. Hooray for Me!

    Actually, Lajoie, Speaker, and Murray all got #3,000 in an Indians uniform (I think). Winfield most likely did not. So, while Winfield may technically be right, the other 3 are MORE right...if that makes any sense at all.
