Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Big Ben is Making a comeback!

Announced on Facebook TODAY: "The Baseball Card Blog will be coming back in 2010 with new content..."

Yes!!  The godfather of card-blogging is coming out of retirement!  If you have not been to Ben Henry's site, go there now and check it out: 

This is great news for the card-blogging universe.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Tribe-side of the Christmas haul!

My mother got me these Tribe-related items for Christmas this year:

We're going all vintage-like to show support for the boys in Red, White and Blue. Here's hoping for a great season!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Not quitting my day job...

I see now that I was never meant to play Santa! Instead of getting the "12 Days" packs out in time for Christmas, I'm not shooting for "12 Days of January, or February maybe."

No excuses, no rhyme, no reason. The gift packs are still being assembled and are being mailed out as I can get them out. If you've asked for one, have no fear! Yours will be coming - eventually.

I realize I am probably the only one even remotely worried about it, but it bugs the fire out of me that the giveaway got away from me this year worse the in the past!

In the meantime, I hope everyone had a great holiday and has a super New Year's!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

My apologies if you did not get one of these in the mail! I underestimated how many I would need for my first-ever Christmas Card mailout! I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas season! See you in 2010!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Package from GCRL! Package from GCRL!

GCRL sent a package of cards to me recently and they were arranged (read, taped) to a folded piece of cardboard.  It was a lot like those repack boxes we all vow to wuit buying yet somehow end up duped into buying anyway!

In addition to the cards above (which are really penny sleeves stuffed with cards), there was a separate stack of cards in a card bag, too!

As you can see, there are all kinds of players, years, and brands!

I see now that the cards at the bottom should have been placed first so you could actually SEE the players! Ah well, all these years at this, and I'm still figuring out the scanner...

Don't get your eyes checked!  Don't adjust your set!  You *ARE* seeing double. :-)  Though, I think if you stare long enough, you can make the cards look 3D like those stereograms...

Score used some seriously bright orange on those puppies!

All in all, a great selection of Tribers from GCRL!!  THANK YOU very, very much!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas cheer from Baseball Dad

I received a couple packages in the mail over the past few days or so and thought I would take a moment to share them with you!

First up, a big THANK YOU goes out to Baseball Dad for this very cool Denny's 1997 Pinnacle motion card of Larry Doby!! 

This card celebrates Denny's 50th Anniversary and is card 1 of 1 (not like serial number, but in the fact that they only had one card made for the celebration)!!

THANK YOU very much!! Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The "12 Days" gift packs will be going out starting Monday.  Sorry for the delay but once again, things always seem to get in the way of a good giveaway!

If you don't hear from me before December 25 (which you should, but just in case):

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wax Heaven, Farewell Old Friend

Mario, at Wax Heaven, has had quite a ride over the past two-plus years.  Yesterday, he announced that life was taking him in a different direction and that Wax Heaven would no longer receive new posts.  He handed off admin control to another person that will monitor comments to some of Mario's incredible insights, but nothing else will be posted.

Mario has done wonders for the card collecting blogging community.  He was one of the first (if not *the* first) card blog that reached agreements with card companies such that they provided him with FREE cards to review and give away.  He is also an avid Michael Jackson fan, and every once in a while, he would toss in an MJ reference. 

While Mario is not really going anywhere, the closure of Wax Heaven leaves a hole in this collector's online world.  Good luck, Mario, and take care.  We'll miss you waxing on Wax.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tribe named in "Top 5 Farm Systems"

This really surprised me, but the Indians farm team system is No. 5 in the league!  Of course, many of the players brought up do not stay with the Indians in any form or fashion.  So, as I have been saying since, um, I was a kid, the Indians serve the purpose of being the farm team to the MLB.

More of the story, including the rest of the Top 5 and the WORST 5 can be found here:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho! 12 Days of Cardsmas is here!

Ladies and Gentlemen!  Boys and Girls!  I'm makin a list and checking it twice!

It is time for the annual "12 Days of Christmas" giveaway!  Now, before I give the deets, let me say this: I have a few "Trick-or-Treat" packages that I have yet to send out, and I am sincerely hoping to finally drop those in the mail tomorrow!  Those who haven't received yours yet, please don't take it personally! It is my own shortcoming that caused it!

Now, on to "12 Days!"

Here is how it works:  You provide me with a list of the following:
  1. At least two or three of your favorite BASEBALL teams
  2. At least two or three of your favorite BASEBALL PLAYERS
  3. If possible, list two or three FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, HOCKEY teams you like
That's it!  You send an email to me at with "12 DAYS" anywhere in the subject!   Please note, if it does *NOT* say "12 DAYS" in the subject, I may not see it!!  I will have a filter set up to catch all "12 DAYS" messages (as long as that is in the subject).

In your email, please provide the information requested above AND provide me a mailing address.  I have many of your addresses, I know, but I want to make sure I have everything up-to-date!

What do you get??

You get cards for each of the "12 Days of Christmas," of course!  12 so-and-so, 11 such-and-such, all the way to the partridge in the pear tree, which will, of course, actually be a card and not a bird.  All tolled, you get 78 cards! :-)

There are no "tricks" in these.  It's Christmas, after all!

Note: feel free to reply here, but ONLY email requests will be sent out.  In years past, mailouts have gone well into January.  I hope to get your gifts out by Christmas so you can open them on the holiday, but I can't promise anything.... Just look at my Halloween mailings for my track record... oy.