Tuesday, April 29, 2014

#PackADailyCircus #ootp15 - Standings posted and Busting wax

Hey, folks! Regular readers have probably already checked the updated scores, standings, and league news at http://tinyurl.com/padcircus/, but just in case you haven't, feel free to look things over.  I am figuring out which files go where when transferring the html/almanac but some links still don't work. I think I will have to add the "History" option in order to display older news items. At least, I think that's what that does. I have no idea, and I haven't read the manual. I tend to wing it.

Tonight, I am opening a pack of 1988 Donruss Pop-Ups and cards with Warren Spahn Puzzle

Vince Coleman Pop-Up - Cardinals - Maddings (Wahoo!!)
Carney Lansford - A's - Free Agent
Mark Davis - Giants - Free Agent
Gary Gaetti - Twins - Free Agent
Whitey Herzhog - Cardinals - Free Agent
Terry Steinbach - A's - Free Agent
Warren Spahn Puzzle 13, 14, 15 - Braves - Pedersej (Wahoo!!)

Congrats to Madding and Pedersej! Started off with a hit, went 0-for-5 then grabbed another hit! That was a fun trip down 80's Memory Lane. Wonder we'll end up tomorrow??


  1. Nice! I actually don't even think I have that one.
