Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Turfdiggers Tuesday

The Turfdiggers made a few last-minute changes to the roster this past week, and those changes proved beneficial and detrimental all at once.  Let's look at the changes and then see just how those changes impacted the team this week:

The Turfdiggers pulled McCluster (KC), Ward (Pit), and Gonzalez (Atl).  In their places, they hoped Moss (Was), Cooley (was) and McFadden (Oak) would make a strong showing.  While putting in McFadden worked, pulling the others cost the team points.

McCluster: 9.40 pts
Ward: 7.60 pts
Gonzalez: 11.50 pts

Moss: 10.20 pts
Cooley: 2.65 pts
McFadden: 12.10 pts

Well, okay, really, the major issue was between Cooley and Gonzalez.  Had I left Gonzalez in, I would still be in first place.  And there you have the beans spilled: I have fallen to second place.  Frankly, the fact I can even write that sentence still brings a smile to my face.  I am totally enjoying my current standings in the Super Secret League - just ask my wife! She's pretty tired of me talking about my team.

So, what happened?  Well, only two teams remain undefeated: The Turfdiggers and the Red Grange Halls.  This week, the tables were turned on points, and I fell behind.  The Turfdiggers are 5.13 points behind.  See?  Had I left Gonzalez in there, I would have rocked the league.  Bummer.  Well, as it stands, the Turfdiggers have 251.26 points so far. 

As fate would have it, the two undefeated teams will face each other in Week Four, meaning that SOMEONE will remain undefeated and someone else will face their first loss of the season.  I'm just sayin' I shall reign supreme!!  Yeah, probably not, but it was worth a shot.

As my "Smack Talk" says, "I have a bad feeling about this."

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