Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Packs of Kindness (Randomly Random edition)

Okay, here's the deal. I have basically exhausted the teams for which I have more than 800 cards. Those were broken down into the team packs listed on the right.

The rest of my cards are not particularly organized into teams at this point, so I thought it would be fun to create "Randomly Random" Random Packs of Kindness!

So, how do these work compared to the other packs? The same way as the others with one catch - you can ask for more than one randomly random pack! Ask for 1 pack, ask for 5 packs, whatever. You decide how much "kindness" you'd like to receive.

All I can say is that each pack will have a randomly random assortment of players, teams, oddball stuff, serial/auto/patch, etc. The contents of each pack are not limited to baseball, either. I will be including whatever I have around here: non-sport, basketball, football, whatever!

Oh, I know, you're asking yourself, "why on earth?" Because, despite my previous efforts to get a handle on the cards floating around the house, I still have massive amounts. Yeah, there's the whole selling on eBay thing, but honestly, I enjoy this much better!

So, step right up and feel free to ask for 'randomly random' Random Packs of Kindness!

NOTE: All teams listed on the right still have whatever available packs according to their individual posts.

Remember, if I don't have your address, please email it to me!


  1. well heck, I love odd ball stuff. I'll take a couple of packs.
    I love nonsports too!

  2. Yep, I'm in for a couple as well. There's nothing I appreciate more than some kindness.

  3. I could use a pack or two of Mets or randomness if you got it.

  4. As long as your sending stuff out...sure I'll take a couple packs of random oddball stuff! You have the best oddball stuff.

    Thanks david

  5. I love odd ball stuff, especially non sports. I would love a couple 3 packs

  6. opps I forgot to say thank you and that I really appreciate your random acts of kindness

  7. You know me, put me down for 5, and if you find the need for more, I won't complain! I got the last batch yesterday and they were great! You da man!

  8. Dave,
    I really love what you are doing here. I really love oddball and football, so I would be glad to take a pack or two off of your hands.

  9. Who doesn't love Randomly Random packs of Random kindness. I'd love a couple of packs...they are a blast to open.

  10. Hey Dave- I would be happy to take about three packs of your randomness of cards off your hands. Thanks....Do you still have my address? Tim

  11. Hey, I'll take a few random packs of baseball cards. My motto: All baseball cards are good; only lack of cards is bad.

  12. I am always feeling random, so this fits right in. I feel brazen and deadly and will ask for 4 packs.

    p.s. did you get the 2 fleer world series indians cards i sent? i never heard either way...

  13. I'll take a random pack or two! You're insane... how many cards do think you have floating around your house?? Seems like an endless pile...

  14. My wife hasn't threatened to kick me out yet, so if you really want to get rid of more, I'll take a couple!

  15. I'll take a random number of random packs of random cards.

    While it is mathematically possible that 400 cards of Sandy Alomar Jr. is a legitimate result of picking cards randomly, it is not the most probable outcome. Jus' keep that in mind :)

  16. Oh, sure, I'm all for randomization. 3 packs is good. 4 is better. 5 is best. Thanks for the last package that just arrived!

  17. Thanks for the great responses so far! I'll be building the packs during the week for the first mail-out of these.

    Dayf - message received, loud and clear.... Just keep that virtual TP to yourself, and everything will be just fine... :-)

    Just to be clear to everyone - these packs are totally random and will contain a random assortment of whatever collectible-type stuff I've got around here (well, excluding TRIBE-related stuff unless I already have one, of course). I can't promise a pack of only oddball or only nonsport. I can hope to promise a lot of fun when you get em though!!

  18. I'll take 6 packs of randomness. I've really enjoyed recieving the other packs. Thank you!

  19. I'm down for a couple. I too love the oddballs & non-sports & anything else. You've got my address already from the Mariners pack, right?

  20. 4 packs of randomness would be great! Thanks!

  21. I wasn't going to do this, but when I read your post about how you did it ... oh my. That made me laugh and laugh!

    So now you have me really curious!!

    Only if you're still offering, I am game. :)

    I don't know if you keep addresses ... I think the last time you sent anything my way was Halloween.

  22. Just wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading your site!

  23. If you still have packs left I would like one or two.



  24. This is a fantastic idea. Thank you for doing this! Nothing better than mystery packages. I will be happy with any number of random packs you wish to send. Let me know if I can ever return the favor!

  25. Hackenbush & JD's Daddy, your randomly random packs will go out on Monday, August 10, 2009!

  26. I'll take two or three packs (the more the merrier!). Preferences include truly absurd names (Fair Hooker/Wonderful Terrific Monds/Earthwind Moreland/etc.), but I also love Fred McGriff, Duce Staley, Warren Moon. But it doesn't really matter...just send what you feel like!

    Thanks for the random kindness!

  27. If you have any random packs left, I'd love it if you sent some my way.

    Great way to break up the dog days of summer!

  28. SpastiMoss and DaveR - yours are on the way!

  29. Um.. I'm game for randomness! If you still have any randomness left, I'll take a couple. And I'd love to return your kind acts of randomness with some not so random tribish rewards!

  30. Packaddict - you got it! Will go out on 8/24/09!

  31. Well, heck, if you've still got some left I would love a couple of packs of kindness. i just started a baseball card blog at Thanks!

  32. David, if you've still got some left, I'd like 3. one for myself and each of my boys. we really enjoyed the Rangers cards and are curious to see what we would get in a totally random pack!

  33. MadHandle and BigD - You got it! Random Packs will be headed your way soon!

  34. David, I love random randomness.

    You can put me down for one, two, five, doesn't matter.

    Kindness and generosity can never be forgotten.

    I will email you my address.


  35. LOL, 1, 2, 5, 18, eh? I'll see what I can do for ya!

  36. Hi David, If you still have a pack or two, my 9 year old son started collecting and would love a couple packs o' randomness. Thanks! The Akard address is still best! I've got a few more Indians for your tribe as well.

  37. If only I would have found this sooner :P I bet it is probably to late to request packs now, isn't it? (forgive me if you made anoucement, it is late and I am scatter brained and tend to miss the obvious even on the best of days.

  38. Sorry I am bit behind on these, but I will be sending out Random Packs to Brian and McCann Can Triple!

    These will be mailed out on Monday, October 19 if I have your addresses!

