Monday, April 19, 2010

Cards from Rocco!

I've had these cards for a little while now, but am just getting around to posting them for your enjoyment!

The first card is a 1968 Fleer depicting the first Grand Slam in a World Series back 1920.  That's followed up with Cal McLish on a 1979 TCMA card.  And that is followed by none other than HOFer Gaylord Perry!  The card is not cut off in "real life," my scanner did that.  The card is a 1989 Interpretive Marketing Products (are they some spin-off of Upper Deck? Oh, did I say that out loud?).

Next up is Nick Sued on a 1992 something-or-other that looks like Impel or Classic, but is unbranded.  Ty Cline is chillin in the dugout on a 1978 TCMA while his buddy Floyd Weaver can't decide if he's just thrown the ball or waiting for someone to throw one back.  Both cards feature green printing on the back and are AWESOME additions!!

The Tim Ellis card is a 1990 Sportsprint, which I'm not sure I've heard of.  David Bell is featured on a cool spiral notebook-style card courtesy of 1991 ProCards.  And then, rounding out the very cool collection of cards is Jesse Burkett on a "Baseball Immortals" card that simply says "1st Printing" on the back in addition to a nice write-up and bio info.

Wow!!  THANK YOU, Rocco, for some very cool additions to the Tribecards collection!

1 comment:

  1. glad you could use them. i was wondering if they made it, i gave them to the wife to send and she is less than reliable in that department to sayy the least. if i come across some more oddballs ill keep you in mind
