Sunday, June 24, 2012

182 Packs of Baseball - 081 - Home Again, Home Again

If everything has gone according to plan, we should be pulling up in our drive any minute. Well, maybe not quite any minute. But, close.  This marks the official end of our vacation. I am celebrating, per se, by opening another pack of 2008 UD Artifacts A Piece of History Baseball like we did yesterday.

Joe Blanton - A's
Scott Rolen - Blue Jays

Historical Moments - Creation of the Internet
Yankee Stadium Legacy - George Pipgras - Game 412
Historical Moments - Civil Rights Act

Wow. Two Historical (read, non-baseball) cards in one pack. Well, the Creation of the Internet surely falls under the "fun, weird, etc" category.  That is a shining light.

Each day of the regular baseball season, I am busting open a pack of baseball cards.  These are packs that I have laying around and/or that I have purchased recently on a whim.  I list the cards in the pack and scan in some of them.  I shoot for 9 cards, but sometimes I may scan more, other times fewer.  It all depends on how things hit me in that particular pack.  Oh yes, there will be duplication.  I have a TON of packs from certain brands/years.  I will, however, try to mix things up throughout the season.

For those keeping score, I know there are not actually 182 GAMEDAYS in the 2012 season.  I am counting ALL the days between Opening Day and the last day of the regular season.  Frankly, it's easier that way.  Thanks for playing along.

Also, you are welcome to claim teams/players (Max 3 total). Rules are at the following:

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed your trip ! It was fun following on Facebook.
