How would you like to participate in the "TribeCards Triple Play Action Baseball Scratch-off Tournament?" (Man, that's a mouthful!)
Simply reply to this post, and let me know that you want in the tournament! I will take up to 20(*) players! The first 20(*) that respond ON HERE will be in the tourney (email responses will not count, sorry). You *MUST* state that you wish to participate in the tournament (because of responses that may have nothing to do with participating). The deadline for signing up is Friday, August 8, 2008 at 5:00 pm CST! If there are not 32 players by the deadline, we play with the folks that signed up! Oh yes, there WILL be a tourney.
How will the tournament work? I have plenty of scratch-off cards in much better condition than my previous attempt at a scratch-off game.
Results of each at-bat will be posted here, sometimes with accompanying scans, sometimes just the results. Scans of ALL playing cards will be made available online for review upon completion of the tournament, however.
The Rules:
The Short List of Rules: Players will be sent a code via email, Players will be paired up, will be assigned a scratch-off card, and will choose 3 spaces at a time. At-bat is over when team gets three outs and the other player gets to bat. Game continues for three innings. Highest score wins. Everyone gets a prize - win or lose.
The long list of rules:
- If your contact info is not easily obtained from your profile, please email me with your email address! I will email each player with a code. This code will be used in all communication away from this site (in email, in other words). The code will be used so that when the time comes to get mailing information for your prize(s), you can be sure that everything is legit and I can be sure I am sending the prize(s) to the right person,
- Players will be seeded in the order in which they respond,
- Players will be paired against each other in a single-elimination 32-player bracket (which I hope to be able to post),
- Each pairing will be assigned to a Triple Play Action Baseball Scratch-off Card,
- Each player will be assigned either the HOME team or the VISITING team, based on seeding,
- Each scratch-off card has 32 spots (4 across, 8 down). When choosing a spot number, players simply state which numbers they want (Ex: 5, 17, 23). I will scratch off the spots and post results. For game purposes, spots are numbered left to right, top to bottom (Ex: 3rd column across, 5th row down is spot #19. See below for 'diagram'),
- The Visiting team will choose THREE numbered spots from his/her assigned card. I will scratch off those spots and post the results online,
- If the Visiting team does NOT have three outs, they will again choose THREE spots. Those spots will be scratched off UNLESS three outs have been reached,
- As soon as THREE OUTS are reached, play switches over to the Home team. The Home team will then select THREE spots that have not already been selected on their assigned card,
- As with the visitors, if the Home Team has NOT reached three outs, the home team will select three additional spots. The inning is over when the Home team reaches three outs,
- Play will continue as such, with each player choosing THREE spots at each at-bat until three outs have been reached,
- Base runners always advance on ANY base hit. Singles advance an on-base runner one base. Doubles advance an on-base runner two bases. Triples and home runs will advance on-base runners home. For example, Player 1 has a runner on first and hits a double. The runner on first advances two bases to third and the batter stops at second. There are no steals, no infield fly rules, and no rushes to the pitcher's mound. :-),
- The game is over after three innings. The player (team) with the most runs wins,
- If the game ends in a tie, the player with the most Indians cards in his/her collection advances to the next round... Okay, not really. If there is a tie, the game will play out just as in regular baseball into extra innings. That may mean that additional scratch-off cards could be used to finish a game,
- EVERYONE gets an autographed or games-used card at the end of EACH round. If you lose, you get a card and are eliminated from the tournament. If you win, you get a card and advance to the next round!
- Tournament is over when the last two players play the championship round, and a winner rises to the top!
- *Each player will have 48 hours to respond once the results of THEIR choices are posted. If the inning ends, the opposing player has 48 hours from the posting of the third out to respond with his/her selections. If players do not respond within the allotted time, *I* will choose the player's spots. This is being done so that the game will move along, should there be some delay. Any player that misses two consecutive at-bats (that's four days' worth!) will be dropped from the tournament, forfeiting all his/her prizes (I don't think anyone will actually trigger this, but just in case...)
- **Other rules and guidelines may be added or developed as the need arises. Any new or modified rules will NOT affect previously played spots or cards.
Diagram of card layout:
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 21 32
Sample scan of unused game card:

*Update: On 08/04/2008, the number of players was reduced to twenty.