Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tribecards from Outer Space: Or Monsters-U...

Hello baseball cardboard fans! Welcome to a Sunday Night edition of pack-busting. Remember, the Free Agent Draft is open until some time on Monday, so get in your picks now!

Tonight's pack: 1991 Leaf Awesome All-Stars. 5 Stickers per pack. At least, I think they are from 1991.

There is a write-up on the back of some of these, so I will include those.

  • Awesome Checklist (Card 71)
  • Oliver the Ump - "Oliver has been an umpire in the Major Leagues for many years. He has the amazing ability to make a call BEFORE it actually happens. His lack of vision does not keep him from knowing just where the play is going to happen."
  • Harry the Hypnotist - Puzzle on back
  • Shell-Shocked Shawn - Puzzle on back
  • Stubby Stan - Puzzle on back

Er, so there was a write-up on the back of ONE of these... These will be randomly inserted into manager's packs at the end of the season.


  1. Yikes... I think I want to take back my statement about spreading these cards around.

    1. Hahaha! Always watch what you wish for, eh!
