It's been a crazy week for me, as it has for most folks I would imagine. Well, earlier this week (I don't remember when, but I think it must have been Monday, maybe), my wife came in and handed me several packages from the mail.
Each package had some of my favorite things: Tribe Cards!! Wahoo!
Let's get rippin!
Patricia and the girls over at Dinged Corners sent me a prize I had won in one of their contests. Readers were asked to make comparisons between two sets of cards. Though most of mine were not creative, I did make the most of things by listing the MOST matches. Some were quite a stretch, I admit, but hey, it won me the GEM-10 Jarrod Parker card. Ironically, I pulled the same GEM-10 card from a repack blaster box that same week. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something... I added several of the cards to my collection and that Thome card is SHINY!! Very orange and very shiny! Oh, sorry, I was easily distracted by shiiiinnnyyy... :-) Here are the cards:
Thank you so much, ladies!!
Costanza's Brother included a note in his package that read, "Hope you still need these cards." Well, CB (can I call you CB?), have no fear! I still needed almost every single one of them, and the only reason I had the others was due to recent trades that had not been updated. Suits me just fine, though - I love gettin the Tribers, ya know! These are the cards I found inside the envelope:
Great stuff! Thanks a bunch, CB!!
Joe Swaykos sent a prize-within-a-prize... Wait, let me digest that... Yes, that's what I meant. Inside his bubble envelope was a white envelope with stack of Tribe cards. THEN, there was another smaller stack with a note (the prize-within-a-prize!). The note read: "Plus a couple more I pulled from a pack I picked up on the way to the post office..." On the WAY TO THE POST OFFICE!? Not only does he bust wax on the way to mailing wax, but he manages to pull a couple Tribers! We need to get that man to Vegas quick! :-) If memory serves, I added all of the cards to my collection except the 2008 Topps:
Way to go, Joe!! Thanks!
Punkrockpaint sent me a 200-count box of cards. Written in teeny-tiny lettering inside the cutout hole (where you open it), he wrote these words: "If there is one you need in here, I will be happy!" Well, I think you will find yourself to being VERY happy! The first TWO SCANS are cards I pulled that were added to my collection. Now, I have to admit, I cheated a bit. You see, when I opened the box, I reached in and the first card I pulled was the Branyan Lumber Auto! Already I knew you would be a cappy hamper! Here are the cards P-R-P included in the box:
Thank you so much, PunkRockPaint!
What a great way to start off Thanksgiving!! Now, it's off to watch the parades!!
Glad there was some stuff in there you needed!