The more time that has passed since Herb Score's passing, the more his life and career has weighed on my mind and heart. I know a LOT has been said and written about him, his career, his passing, and I was able to scribble down a quick post while at work that day.
Perhaps it is in part because as I was looking through the LIFE magazine photos on Google, I came across this one of he and his wife, Nancy, and his daughter Judy:

Score was not a player I followed much as a collector - for whatever reason. Sure, I've got several of his cards and I'll be delving into his career more as I continue the countdown, but I guess I just never knew that much about him.
I never listened to the Indians on the radio (wasn't anywhere I could for the most part), so I never heard his broadcasting. Though, I do remember him vaguely from the 1996/97 seasons for some reason.
And, maybe that is why it has weighed a bit heavier than I expected... He was a Triber from the 'old days' who stayed very true to his Indians roots, yet basically, I was one of those who had essentially 'never head of Herbie Score...'
When I was in school, we used to watch the Tribe games an listen to the radio (that was back when things were still in synch). I think a lot of people did that. Herb Score was the narrator for much of my wsted youth. I can't remember how many games I'd listened to him call before I was aware that he used to be a player, and a very good one at that.