Friday, May 10, 2013

Tribecards from Outer Space: One. Single. Solitary. Card.

This week's draft is up, and I will link to it again in this post, since I am doing two posts in one day. I already posted the draft link today. That's what I'm saying. Here's what else I'm saying: The pack we are opening today has one card in the pack. Yeap. One card.

If the card is a Free Agent, it will go into NEXT WEEK'S draft pick, and not this week's. Sorry, probably didn't need to shout there.

Today, I have a "pack" of 1996 Upper Deck SPx. 1 Holoview Perimeter Die-Cut per "pack."  Really? Did we buy this crap back then? I didn't.

Annnnnnd the winner is.........

Drum roll please......

Eric Karros - Dodgers - FREE AGENT

Well, dang. I was actually hoping someone was walking away with this today. Instead, this card will be entered into next week's Free Agent Draft.  Now, granted, the PSx cards are nice-looking, and conjure up memories of Pacfic cardboard ventures. But, one stinkin' card in the "pack?" How do you even call that a pack?  Well, there it is folks.

I didn't even bother to scan it in. I stole this image, online somewhere...

As a side note, this thing is actually a little freaky. The inset head shot follows you as you move the card around. And, that's not an exaggeration because the position of the player's ears change as you move the card. Yeah, it's creepy.

Oh, the draft is here:

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