Hey everyone! Man, time gets away from me which is ludicrous considering this is supposedly a pack-a-day break thingy. I try to break them when I get up in te morning, but then sometimes I can't for various reason, so I figure I'll post it later that evening. Of course, something comes up and I end up not posting, rinse, lather, repeat. Yoy. I am making a commitment right here that there *WILL* be pack-a-day for the rest of the season. I realize I am probably harder on myself about it than anyone else, but come on, what kind of 2-bit operation do I think I'm running!? I'm not, or at least don't want this to be, so we fix it.
Speaking of fixing things, I finally fixed the delay in last week's double draft. So, here is how things turned out: In the 7/31 draft, Jafronius and Tribecards were the No Skunks. In the 8/1 draft, Joliet Convicts and CaptKirk42s were the No Skunks. Here is how things panned out:
Haha! Figures the week after my No Skunk, I get skunked. Well, dang. Congrats everyone! Sorry it took me waaaay too long to get this done. I'll sort through the players and have the next draft ready by Saturday evening (some of you might even be reading this until then!). The Managers/Players list is updated now.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's rip a couple packs from a retail blaster of 2015 A&G:
Prince Fielder - Rangers - TSHensons (Wahoo!!)
Joe Nathan - Tigers - Arpsmith (Wahoo!!)
Phoenix - Menagerie of the Mind - Free Agent
Cliff Lee Mini (Black Border, maybe?) - Phillies - Arkansas Tribecards (Wahoo!!)
Crack the Code Card
David Price - Tigers - TSHensons (Wahoo!! x2)
Apollo Creed - Boxer - Free Agent
Well, a big congrats to TSHensons for snagging two of the cards in this pack! And, Arpsmith and I managed to get a card each as well. I am not sure if the mini is a black border or not. I'll have to see other minis to compare. In any case, I'm happy with it!
Next Pack:
Devin Mesoraco - Reds - Nachos Grande (Wahoo!!)
Chris Owings - Diamondbacks - Jennings64 (Wahoo!!)
Flail - Ancient Armory - Free Agent
Gateway Arch - Keys to the City - Free Agent
Black Vulture Mini - Birds of Prey - Free Agent
Grant Miller - Codebreaker - Free Agent
Wow, only two managers got cards. Though, really, this early in y opening of A&G packs, that's not so surprising. Congrats, you two!!
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