Thursday, October 2, 2014

#PackADailyCircus #ootp - Round 1, Game 4 Results!

Good morning, baseball fans! We've got the results from last night's Game 4 playoffs to give to you. All I will say right now is that it was a wild night of baseball simulation. You'll have to check out the logs and/or read below to get all the details.

Speaking of game logs, here is the link (Remember to sort by Last Modified):

As usual, STOP HERE if you do not want to see the results of the games just yet. You can take a few moments to view the logs and relive the games pitch-by-pitch, one at a time. Or... After the image, check out the results below.

In the Blogger League:
FDNYs take the series. PlayAtThePlates takes the series. NachosGrandes takes their series! That's a wrap for the Blogger league. Moving on, also have the Tribecards. These four teams will face each other in Round 2!

Meanwhile, over in Wordpress:

The CaptainCanucks take the series. The Dawgbones win another, tying the series at 2 games each! The Workmans take down the GCRLs and snap up the series there. So, later, we will have the deciding game between the Dawgbones and the Thorzuls!

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