Here we are folks! Thanks for stopping by to take a peek at today's pack of the day for the regular 2012 season. Oh, sure, that's a pretty badly-formed sentence, but I think the grammar police have their hands full over on Facebook and Twitter.
Tonight, I pulled a short pack. It has five whopping cards in it (according to the info on the pack). Let's see just what kind of baseball goodness we can pull from a pack of 2006 Upper Deck First Pitch. The pack says, "Look for an insert in every pack." Hmmm:
Scott Feldman - Rangers
Manny Ramirez - Red Sox
Derrek Lee - Cubs - Goin' Deep
Edgar Renteria - Red Sox
David DeJesus - Royals
Welp, the pack did lie: 5 cards and one was an insert. I've noticed that many of the packs I've busted are laden with teammates. This pack, of course, featured the Red Sox in that role.
But it's got a DeJesus, which more than makes up for any Red Sox negativity. :-)