Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cleaning the Clubhouse

Much like MLB teams, there comes a time when one must take stock and clean out the olde Clubhouse. This weekend, I shall be doing the same around here.  Honesty, I don't know if any of my readers ever visit the clubhouse page or not (oh, sure, I bet my Google Analytics could tell me), but I do visit it a couple times a week.

If you have looked through it, you know there are blogs on there that haven't been updated in quite a while - as in a year or more.  For my own sake, mainly, I've come to the decision to clean house.  If your blog is listed, but you haven't updated in, say 3 months or more, I'm afraid you are on the chopping block.

Nothing personal. I find it overly redundant to keep clicking through all the sites to see if anything new has been posted.  Yes, I use Google Reader, FlipBoard, and other means to keep up with regular updaters, but those that have fallen behind will find the red card hanging in their lockers.

If you want to be saved, drop me a line (that is, respond here) with a compelling argument - kick dirt, toss your hat, you know, MLB tantrum stuff.


  1. Honestly didn't know you had a clubhouse.

    I come here for the meat, not the desserts.

    1. Thank you! It's a good thing, since some of the desserts have certainly gone stale.

  2. Can I get added?

    As a dessert, I consider myself a bit of a lemon meringue.

    1. Haha, absolutely! I'll add you in during the pruning.
