I am breaking these up into 9-card (er, roughly) sections because that's about how many cards fit on my scanner.

David Justice - 1999 Fleer Tradition - Justice was one of the Indians all-time greats. Oh sure, the "other" Native American team likes to lay claim to him, but either way, a Justice on the field for your team meant you had a superstar.
Grady Sizemore - 2011 Bowman - The photo is so familiar, I am almost certain I have this card, but then the fact that it is 2011 Bowman leads me to think i do not have it yet. Well, I have it now, no matter which way we go, right? The big question on Tribe fans' minds right now regarding Sizemore: Is it time to let him go? As much as I hate to say it, I think the answer is "passed the time." (Side note: is it 'past' or 'passed' here? I played with both, and neither looks right. I suppose I should have just chosen a different phrase and been done with it. Instead, you have now been subjected to one of my many digressions.)
Rick Dempsey - 1987 O-Pee-Chee Traded - Yeah, that's right! Many people don't know or remember that the great Rick Dempsey once donned an Indians uniform. It was just for one season. He played in 60 games for the Tribe. His 1987 Topps Traded card shows him in an Indians hat, though the image makes one wonder if that was an airbrush job. Hmm...
Travis Hafner - 2007 Upper Deck Holiday Inn - Back when Upper Deck was still legally allowed to make MLB cards, they teamed up with Holiday Inn for a 60-card set. Hafner made the cut. Like Sizemore for 2011, Indians fans have to wonder just how long the Tribe will keep Pronk. Really, Pronk should be wondering how long ANY team would keep him.
Manny Ramirez - 1999 UD Choice Preview - When Manny was just starting to become "Manny," he was at the end of his Indians run. In fact, he would play just one more season in a Tribe uni after this card was made. Some fans would love to have Manny come back to Cleveland. I say only if he returned to his humble beginnings - in multiple ways.
Ronnie Belliard - 2005 Topps Pack Wars - Belliard, who ironically looks a lot like Manny on this card, would finish out the '05 season batting .284 which is too good for the Cleveland front office, so when he started doing even better in '06, the Indians let him go to St. Louis.
Tris Speaker - 1993 Action Packed - Man, do I love the Action Packed cards! They have great photos embossed on the card with a 3-d feel using the old "blur the background" technique used for ages. This is one of my all-time favorite sets! Tris Speaker was one of the all-time great ball players, let alone Triber. He played in the majors for 22 years. Yes, TWENTY-TWO years! He had 10,208 at-bats. Could you imagine getting up to the plate more than 10,000 times!? Wow!
Sam McDowell - 1992 Action Packed - Yeah, buddy! Two A/P cards in here! Sam played baseball for 15 years, including the amazing 325 strikeouts in 1965 for the Tribe. He sits 2nd, behind legendary Bob Feller, in the all-time Indians strikeout kings (2159). Boo-yeah!

Pat Osborn - 2005 Bowman Chrome - I don't recall much about Osborn, and after reading his info on baseball-Reference.com, I guess I see why. He was going to be one of the next big things through the Tribe minor system, but that never fully flushed out.
Hector Rondon - 2008 Bowman Gold - Rondon has spent his career in the Indians minor system. This past season, he pitched 3 innings. He had a 3.00 ERA.
Carlos Baerga - 1994 O-Pee-Chee All-Stars - What a weird card. The huge white border gives the illusion that this is a mini card. The back of the card has an offer for a jumbo-sized set of the All-Star cards.
Kenny Lofton - 1998 Skybox Dugout Xpress Double Header - Roll the dice and play some ball! I would love to have a set of these and get a game going. I love that rolling a snake eyes gets him hit by the pitch. Was he hit so often that he really needed a die roll on his card? Ouch.
Charles Nagy - 1994 Topps Stadium Club Gold - Okay, Gold is not the right word, but it has the special badging on it. This was not the "regular issue" Stadium Club, nor was it the "Members Only" version. In any case, nice card!
Paul Sorrento - 1995 Topps - Ah, back in '95, the WWW was still young and anything and everything had the word "Cyber" attached to it. For Topps, that meant "Cyberstats." Not sure how Cyberstats were different than real-life ones, but hey, who are we to say? After all, they had competition to deal with.
Grady Sizemore - 2008 Topps Stars - "Destined to be one of the greats of the decade" proclaims the back of the card. And what amazes me is that Sizemore rocks the house when he plays. He really does. I have been a Sizemore fan for many, many years. The problem is that he spends way too much time being hurt. In fact, I will say it now: in the future when a player spends a much time hurt as Grady does, people will refer to it as "Being Sizemore."
Shin-Soo Choo - 2010 Topps Attax - Try as Topps (and other card makers) might, no one has really come up with a card game that collectors want to play since ASBA way back in the day. Give it up, man. Just let it go.

Tris Speaker - 2010 Topps Vintage Legends - Okay, this card gives me seriously mixed emotions. We have one of the greated players featured on a card from the era when my collection truly took off. In fact, seeing Speaker on a "hat kind" card (as my brother and I called the series), is really just kinda freaky. Even his photo suggests that he is trying desparately to escape the card.
Carlos Santana - 2011 ToppsTown - Is it cool or a pain to be named the same as one of the all-time great guitarists to ever live? I'd have to think it would be cool. Does Santana collect anything related to his like-named counterpart? People want to know this stuff.
Dennis Martinez - 1995 UD SP - I have a hard time calling him "Dennis." He was always "Denny" when growing up. In any case, a great Triber! On the back, he is signing an autograph. If I were ever to be featured on a ballcard, I'd like the back to show me signing autographs. I think that says a lot about sportsmanship and giving back to the fans in some small way.
Travis Hafner - 2007 UD Triple Play - The back features a scratch-off area. Back in 2007, I could enter the code and win something. Now, I can't even access that site. How times have changed.
Asdrubal Cabrera - 2008 Topps - For the longest time, arguably the hardest name for announcers to pronounce in the league. I never quite understood that. And, yes, my analyses and musings are running out. i have a long way to go yet.
Rich Thompson, Bryan Clark, Benny Ayala, and Vern Ruhle - 1985 Topps Traded Tiffany - These are not just the Traded version, but the shiny and BRIGHT "Tiffany" flavors to boot! Sweet!

Paul Sorrento - 1994 Select - I always liked these cards. The name splitting the card between two different images, done in two different styles, gives the card an artistic feel. The fact that the card features a third, and different, photo on the back adds to the charm. Not many companies were bold enough to put multiple pictures on card, let alone THREE of them. Nice stuff!
Denny Martinez - 1995 Pinnacle - As soon as I write the above, this card features three different images. Figures. Of course, the Select brand was produced by Pinnacle, so there's really no surpise there. Pinnacle did for images what Pacific did for die-cuts - they went crazy.
Manny Ramirez - 1995 Pinnacle Swing Men - The background is a weird swirling image of.. I dunno, something or someone. The back of the card has a cool multi-bat border that must have taken someone at the company months to design. I would guess many collectors hated the thing. I'm quirky. I like it.
Carlos Baerga (and Bret Boone) - 1995 Topps "1994 Topps All-Stars" - Remember when Topps had their own "All-Stars?" I mean BEFORE these? Yeah, that is going way back, I know. Well, they fired these up again and this card features Second Basemen. Stats on the back show their record before the break and then after the break. Both players did MUCH better after the break, though they were kickin' it pretty well before it, too.
Dennis Martinez - 1996 Score - "Hey, we don't want you actuallu DOING anything, okay? Just pretend you are watching something over to the left. Thanks."
Chad Ogea - 1996 Stadium Club - Love the borderless Stadium Club cards. Ogea spent most of his career with the Tribe. His last season, in 1999, took him to Philly. In 2009, Carl Dubois caught up with Ogea at an LSU gathering: http://www.americanpress.com/lc/blogs/wpDubois/?p=65
Carlos Baerga - 1996 Stadium Club "Team TSC" - Topps created their own stat, the "TSC Rating" and Baerga was third on the list for the 1995 season. As explained on the card, "The TSC rating... it determined by: AB/(RBI+RUNS-HR), based on a minimum of 400 at-bats." Why? I dunno.
Grady Sizemore - 2009 UD Series 2 - What a weird photo. Here, Sizemore demonstrates a slide. Notice anything? How about no moving dirt? None. Not at his hand, not at his feet, not even under his "sliding" body. In the background, a befitting ad for Circle-K... "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K" for sure.
Omar Vizquel - 2002 Donruss Super Estrellas - These were Spanish-only cards distributed throughout the US (and I assume Latin American countries). So far as I can tell, it was an attempt to lure Latinos into the baseball card hobby. In my experience, it gave non-Spanish speaking collectors another cool set to chase. I'll take it!

Luis Valbuena - 2010 UD Series 1 - This shot was taken in-game. The fans in the background are watching the ball take off. I assume this was at a Cubbies game, given the logos blurred out and the colors of the shirts in the stands. Then again, I never was good at placing a game in a particular place.
Asdrubal Cabrera - 2010 UD Series 1 - Not sure why a company would feature a 2nd baseman missing a steal. That's not very flattering.
Carlos Santana - 2011 Bowman - The girls at Dinged Corners would love this one - he's wearing his catcher's gear. Now, if he were only smiling...
Jeremy Sowers - 2009 Topps Ticket to Stardom - A lot of collectors seem to hate these 'ticket cards.' for one reason or another. I always liked them, though not this style as much as the ones that actually look like tickets. Maybe it is the tiny photo stuck in th emiddle of the card. I could see that being an issue. Yikes.
Asdrubal Cabrera - 2009 UD Series 2
Grady Sizemore - 2009 UD Icons - Love the design of these cards! Very cool, flowing, energetic.
Cliff Lee - 2009 UD X - I admit, I like the die-cut version of the X cards better than the 'regular' version. I wish UD had made the die cuts as the standard fare and just left these out. But, seeing as how I have Lee on one of these, I'll take it!
Ryan Garko - 2008 Topps Opening Day - Garko spent most of his career with the Indians and also garnered his best AVG with his years as a Triber. I enjoyed watching him play with the Tribe. The Opening Day cards bring a stark, bright contrast to the standard version of Topps that year, and it doesn't hurt that Topps used red.

Chuck Lofgren - 2007 Bowman - Wow. It is amazing how many players I do not recognize. He is one of them. I guess that means I need to spend some more time getting to know some of the draft picks. Then again... Lofgren spent 5 seasons in the Cleveland minor system before getting moved to the Brewers system and then to the Giants. He actually seemed to be poised to come out slinging (he's a pitcher). Then, something fizzled or never quite materialized and he faded from the Tribe minor clubhouses.
Grady Sizemore - 2007 Fleer Ultra - Nice full-card shot of the phenom that is and isn't.
David Delucci - 2007 UD Series 1 - No airbrushing here; just change the team along the side of the card and call it good. Delucci played for the Indians for roughly 2 1/2 seasons, but seems to be widely associated with the Tribe when searching for pics, info, etc. Not sure why that would be, given that his .238 AVG was one of the worst of his career with any one team.
Victor Martinez - 2007 UD Series 1 - V-Mart was one of the best catchers the Indians had. And, like many of the Tribers goneby, he was traded away at his peak Indians performance. Am I bitter? Yeap. Am I surprised? Nope. Martinez is just one of a long list of Indians players to get the boot just when the Indians need them the most.
Jeremy Sowers - 2006 Fleer Tradition - Spring Training poses. Folks either love 'em or hate 'em. If I had to guess, I'd say the player behind him is also posing for a card photo. Sowers was another phenom gone wrong. The Indians tried to keep him going, to keep him in the game. But, after his first year, his ERA just couldn't come out of the sky. He was put on the DL in 2010, and I don't know if he's been heard from since. Guess I should follow up on these things, eh?
Roberto Alomar - 2002 MLB Showdown - Roberto Alomar, now a HOFer, came into the MLB and made his mark with every team he touched. The Indians were lucky to have him for the time he spent in Cleveland. His overall AVG as a Triber? How about .323!? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. He had an OBP of .405 to go with that. This guy was on the base basically every 2 1/2 times at bat. Holy smokes. The card itself is very cool - SHINY!
Terry Mulholland - 2003 Topps Gold - I love gold cards, especially the serially numbered ones. Topps does some cool things with their numbers, and in 2003, the golds were numbered out of 2,003. See how fun that is? Of course, by today's standards, that is a high overrun. I find that ludicrous. There are only 2,003 of these. How many Indians and/or general baseball card collectors are out there? A heckuvalot more than 2,003... Oh well. Did you know he played for 11 different MLB teams!? Dang, this dude got around. He played with the Indians for two years and ended up 6-6 with an ERA of 4.81, which is just a touch higher than his carrer ERA of 4.41. The 9.00 when he was with the Diamondbacks really skews his ERA overall. But, you take the good and take the bad.
CC Sabathia (and Dontrelle Willis) - 2008 UD A Piece of History Cut From the Same Cloth - I'm not sure I understand what UD was trying to do with this one. Basically, they were cut from the same cloth because they are both left-handers (which UD still refers to as "Southpaws" on the card. Now *THAT* I applaud. I'm glad not everything is always so politically correct!). The other thing that bothers me about the card? There is no cloth. Seriously, put a piece (or pieces) of fabric in there. no? Also, Willis is shown in a Marlins uni though there are Tigers logos all over the thing. naturally, I don't actually care about that. I love the fact that it is an Indians card featuring the same "Workhorse" that started off this awesome selection of Tribers!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Mr. Biggs!! This was a very cool, unexpected surprise!
Glad you liked the cards! I admire the fact that you were able to write something about every single card in the package. I'm not sure if I could ever do that.
ReplyDeleteVery nice package ! My fingers got tired just trying to read all of this !
ReplyDeleteAs for the "Cyberstats" , the front of the cards have a slight refractive sparkle to them and the back is totally different. It only shows the last two or three seasons of stats.The stat line for 1994 includes computer generated statistics for the remainder of the '94 season that was never played !