Well, my first clue came when I pulled the bubbleope out of the mailbox:

Yes, it is TO me and FROM me! Holy cow! Did I mail a package of cards to myself and forgot? No, no, what tipped me off was the post office of origin. Sandusky, Ohio. Now, I fully admit that I never once turned the thing over. In fact, the first time I even saw the BACK was when I put it on the scanner for this post. Yes, sometimes, I really am this stupid... The back reads, "From: Baseball Dad, Open Carefully! Thanks for Participating!"
Upon opening the package, I found this first:

This is the Indians Hall of Fame Induction program! That is awesome!
And then, I saw Chief Wahoo with a secret message:

A lost card? Ultra-rare? B&W version? What on earth was going on here? And, then I spotted it...

Now, if you read my previous post about Bo's package of cards, the image should look familiar! Except this time, the card is an O-Pee-Chee version - AND it is the B&W version, which evidently comes with some assembly required and on what appears to be copy paper...
Sandwiched between the pieces of the ultra-rare card, was this nugget (it's like my very own Zenith Inside!):

Of course, the package was filled with all kinds of Indians cards!

Some of them I have and others I have never even seen before! I love it when that happens!

And then, there is the revelation behind "YOUR package" so ominously uttered in my "warning" message... You have to take a good, close look.... Don't worry, it's not one of those things you get in your email that suddenly jumps out and screams at you... Really. It's not.

Did you see them? The two cards at the bottom? Go ahead, click on the picture and look at it in fuller size. I'll wait..... See? There! My own baseball cards. You see, not long ago, BaseballDad discovered my MLB past and showed everyone my cards from long ago. Little did I realize that he did not simply combine images in Paint or Photoshop, nay nay. He went old-school cut-and-paste! And then he threw the cards into my package for me to keep! Wahoo!! I believe I may the recipient of the first-ever BaseballDad custom baseball cards! Man, had I known, I would have had him sign them...

The fun does not stop there, folks! You see, the "real" reason he sent me the bubbleope, er my own bubbleope, was because he did a very cool old-school O-Pee-Chee multi-box break recently.

I don't know how many cards other people received, but let me tell you, I got a BUNCH!! I've got a lot of Indians cards, but not many are O-Pee-Chee, so I cannot wait to check these against my collection!!

THANK YOU very much, BaseballDad!! This was full of cool cards, laughs, and surprises! And for never having attended an Indians game in Cleveland, I am building quite a collection of "Batter Up!" programs!
You see, I received yet ANOTHER package in the mail... More on that one tomorrow!
You don't how close I was to keeping that Ramirez card! (I couldn't really do that, even though I need that version.I was hoping there would be 2 of them,then I would have tried to work out a trade ! ). I hope you had as much fun opening it all as I did putting it together.I like having fun,it's just..well...fun !