Man, I feel like I've been on a whirlwind tour the past two weeks! First with Thanksgiving and then a trip to Phoenix.
I received a box of cards from Sam before I left for the big AZ, and had hoped to post the contents before I left, but prep for the trip took over instead. Hopefully, sometime tonight (Saturday), I'll get a post up!
Speaking of cards, I came back to a LOT of Indians cards! Man, you guys (and gals!) are incredible!! I haven't had a chance to bust open the packages I've received yet, but I can tell you I am looking forward to perusing some Tribe-al cardboard!! Thank you all so much. I'll thank each person individually with posts once I get everything opened up and scanned in.
The "12 Days Giveaway" is a HUGE hit this year! I was able to get WhiteSoxCards' package wrapped up before I left and I'll be working on the others this weekend and onward! I've received several requests over the past week, and if you've sent a request and are a regular (or even not-so-regular) reader, I just wanted to let you know I've received your request and you'll get a personal email from me soon! Remember, I'll start shipping them out around the 10th!!
The bad news is that I did not get to make it to Goodyear to see the Indians new spring training facility, nor did I get to make it over to see where the D-Backs play. The conference took place at the JW Marriott Resort on the VERY North end of Phoenix, putting me out of reach within the time frame I had. That's not to say I just stayed at the hotel, though! No way! My colleague and I hit McDowell National Park and then Sadona Red Rocks Pass on two separate trips. There might have been more, but my boss and her boss were there and were the ones who invited me along in the first place. Scenery or not, I know where my bread is buttered!
I have been posting slideshows of my adventures on my 'personal' blog, and still have a couple days' worth to post, but if ya like, you can check 'em out:
Thanks for hanging in there while I was away. :-) Speaking of, I have a LOT of catching up to do in the clubhouses I visit!! :-)
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