In honor (dishonor?) of the current and former Tribers who made the list of "enhancers," I offer the following:

Paul may be using (or have used), but at least he has a medical reason, right!?

Steve Woodard... His name doesn't even ring a bell for me... Lots of good the suspected 'roid use did him, huh?

Tim is the only other "current" Triber accused (for lack of a better word) of using, supplying, whatever you (Mitchell) would like to call it...

Rocker? Frankly, I am not surprised to see his name on the list... He can just this to his resume'...

Man, I was bummed to Juan Gonzalez listed... Well, I think he's a great Triber, regardless (and if memory serves, he did not use AS a Triber...)

Kent Mercker was an Indian for so long and made such an impact that a photo of him in a Tribe uniform is considered ultra-rare... Uh, yeah, just keep telling yourself that... Frankly, Mercker was another one I had no idea he had been an Indian...

Bummed to hear Carreon was/is on the list... I don't really remember much about him, other than he made the "1997 Score Indians" set... For what that's worth...

Another disappointing name to See on the list. Like many MLB players, Williams launched his career after being farmed out by the Tribe...

As you can see, I could not find Mr. Allen in an Indians uniform. Honestly, I have never heard of the guy. His appearance on the list has no effect on me whatsoever... Really... None... Sorry, dayf, guess the Braves will have claim him...

Dang it, David Justice got himself on the list after all. I was always a fan of Dave Justice, despite his antics. Seeing him on the list doesn't change my opinion of him during his Tribe days. He was great.

I don't recall David Segui being a superstar or anything. Maybe I haven't followed the game as closely as I should have, or maybe the suspected use of "enhancers" did nothing for his game either....

Glenallen played during the time I had taken a break from collecting, watching, or anything else related to baseball. Someone else will have to chime in on how they think 'roids affect his play (if at all, and if he actually used).

Jason Grimsley... Nope, no bells ringing with this one either, though I understand he was something of a "Rocker-esque" personality, though a quick search revealed he crawled through an air duct to steal a bat that was under investigation for corking... Our own little John McClane, I guess.... :-)
I've sen the list of suspected users, and I have to say, there are some pretty big names on the list. But, there are also players that most people may have never heard of. This suggest to me that even with "enhancers," a player must be GOOD at playing ball. Period. I don't care how hopped I was, I would never even come close to smacking a 90+ miles-an-hour pitch ANYWHERE, let alone screaming for the fences. Talent will never be replaced by drugs.....
Chad Allen? He never played for the Braves, how can they claim him? I guess they might have claimed him on waivers and he's playing for Greenville or something. The Braves will gladly claim Justice, Mercker and probably Byrd though if you want. Now, John Rocker... Nope, he's all yours. Touch black, no trade back.
ReplyDeleteGlenallen Hill once hit a ball, in a game, onto a rooftop across the street from Wrigley Field as a member of the Cubs. Mark Grace was quoted at the time to say something along the lines of, "no human can do that".
ReplyDeleteIt has been the only ball hit to a rooftop across the street at Wrigley across Waveland Ave.