The Tribe takes out the Yankees in a ALDS Game 4 win, 6-4! Sizemore's 1st inning, 1st batter home run was awesome. Not in the "Man, did you see how far that thing went!?" sense of awesome, but rather in the, "Talk about setting the tone!" kind of way. I admit, by the third inning, I was switching between "Independence Day" and the game because it was dragging. I don't think I have seen such a slowly played ballgame in quite some time. Of course, it was worth the wait!

Part of the slow pace was due to Byrd's pitching, and it earned him the Chevy Player of the Game. Yeah, he gave up a couple runs, but he also pitched one helluva game!

Now, the question on all (okay, maybe just most) Tribe fans' minds is how well will the Tribe fare versus the Sox? It will not be easy. I'm not saying the Yanks were easy, but all-tolled, it was a pretty easy run for our guys. I think we had better bring a better game than we played during these last two, or we'll be gone before we get there.... Having said that, however, I whole-heartedly BELIEVE!

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