When the mail came this afternoon, among the bills and catalogs lived the Fan Pack from the Cleveland Indians! I held it for a moment and set it aside to finish my Allen and Ginter post. I knew it would wait there, just hoping I would open it soon. After a while, and after lunch, I felt the envelope. I suddenly felt like the kid in "A Christmas Story" when he gets his decoder ring. It had to be inside somewhere.
I tore open the envelope and pulled out the surprises inside. First up, the form letter that comes with all of these. "Enclosed you will find the Indians Fan Pack that you requested." Ohhh, the excitement was building! Then, in the next paragraph, "We have also included a 2010 pocket schedule..." Holy cow! I got a bonus item! Sweet!
Now, this was my first Indians Fan Pack, so I don't know exactly what usually comes with them, but there was a full-color foldout....of their stadium suite packages. Suddenly, sounds of "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine" rang through my mind. Granted, the suites are very cool and should I win the lottery anytime soon, I'll be happy to contact their offices to make a reservation.
Okay, okay, let's see what else I got from the Tribe! The remaining pages include various activites: a coloring page of Slider, a Cleveland Indians Word Search, and a page with trivia questions and a word scramble puzzle.
Cool team-related activities and all I had to was ask! Not a bad gig.
What? No sodoku? Cheapskates.