Monday, September 29, 2014

#PackADailyCircus #ootp - Round 1, Game 2 Results!

Good evening, folks! Believe it or not, I actually DID record the Tribecards vs JoshDs game as it happened. That recording ended up about 45 minutes long! Whoa! I will probably post it at some point, just for laughs. If/when I do, I'll write it up as a separate post.

In the meantime, we have results from Game 2 of the PADCircus Playoffs!

As before, the link to the folder with all the game logs is:

Feel free to check the logs if you want to see how your favorite team(s) did during the actual game(s). If you prefer to skip down to see where things stand, just scroll below the image:

Okay, you were warned:

FDNYs v Wilsons: Series tied 1-1
Tribecards v JoshDs: Tribecards lead 2-0
PlayAtThePlates v CaptainCanucks: Series tied 1-1
Superduperman99 v NachosGrandes: Series tied 1-1

The Tribecards blew the socks off the JoshDs, winning 15-3. That was a crazy game! Tribecards are poised to take the series unless the JoshDs can rally back. With the rest of the matchups tied, the Tribecards and JoshDs may be watching from the stands after the next game.

How did things turn out in the Wordpress League?

GCRLs v Workmans: Workmans lead 2-0
BoRosnys v Kazis: Series is tied 1-1
Quarrys v Hadsalls: Quarrys lead 2-0
Thorzuls v Dawgbones: Thorzuls lead 2-0

Wow! We have three matchups on the verge of ending after the next game! We'll see if the underdogs on this of things can pull together a win to stay in the hunt. Will they keep up or be put out to pasture? Stay Tuned to find out!

PS: For those interested in stats, here are screenshots of the stats screens as of R1G2:

Click to enlarge (I hope!)


  1. 15-3 against Greinke???? RIGGED! :-)

    1. Haha, I know, right!? Of course, it wasn't all his fault. It was a wild game to "watch" unfold. I would be surprised if my team makes it any further, really. You have some great players on your team. They just had cold bats and frozen hands during that game.
