Monday, August 23, 2010

1977 Sports Challenge Record Frank Robinson

By far and away one of my all-time favorite oddball items in the Tribecards Collection!  The vinyl record could be played on a turntable.  It recounts Robinson's first homerun as a Cleveland Indian.  If you've been readin here long, you know I am not normally one for the "pristine" condition of items - for the most part, if I even *have* an item, I'm thrilled.  This is one exception.  The little hold in the middle (that would let you put it on a 33-1/3 spindle) is still in tact perfectly.  I do not ever intend to make it otherwise.  If you can't se it, the plug is located just to the lower left of his bent right elbow.  There were 12 records in the set:

(1) Henry Aaron (Hits 715th Homer)
(2) Johnny Bench (Beats Pirates in ’72 Playoff)
(3) Jerry Koosman, Donn Clendenon (1969 Miracle Mets)
(4) Don Larsen (’56 World Series Perfect Game)
(5) Fred Lynn (Has Incredible Day in Detroit)
(6) Willie Mays (Hits 1st Met Homer)
(7) Bill Mazeroski (Wins 1960 World Series)
(8) Frank Robinson (Homers 1st Time as Indian)
(9) Nolan Ryan (4th No Hitter)
(10) Tom Seaver (Cubs Ruin Perfect Game)
(11) Bobby Thomson (Shot Heard ’Round the World)
(12) Ted Williams (Last Time at Bat in Boston)


  1. Very very nice! First time I have ever seen one.


  2. Hi David, How much do you think a Henry Aaron 33 disc would be worth. It's in great condition. Like new. my reg email is Thx.
