Saturday, February 13, 2010

30-Day (almost) Update

I am making a quick stop here to let everyone know the status of things in Tribecards World.  Given the amazing response I've had lately, it is the least I can do!!

First up: Giveaway News: My apologies, but I can no longer take any requests for giveaway packages.  The response has been HUGE!! I am very excited about that!  I am taking advantage of the long weekend and hammering out the packs for mailing Tuesday if at all possible.  When my wife said, "you know what would make a great Valentine's Day gift," then pointed to the boxes of cards, I knew it was time to get these knocked out of here!  I will make a post, letting you know when the packages have shipped.  I plan on taking pictures because it really is a hefty feat.

Next Up: Packages received!  Thanks so much for the Indians cards I've been getting in the mail!  Do not fret - I will be posting pictures/scans of those once I get the big job out of the way and get back into the swing of posting on a more regular-ish basis. 

And, finally: Happy Valentine's Day!