
Sunday, August 19, 2012

182 Packs of Baseball - Day 137 - Back-back-back

I figured I would squeeze tonight's post in before the Steelers come on TV for tonight's pre-season football action.  As it turns out, we are cranking up the "Way Back" machine and are busting open a pack now considered "vintage" (assuming the 20-year age is enough to deem the pack vintage).  This one is actually 22* years old - 1990 Score.  Wow. Let's take a trip down memory lane:

Todd Burns - A's
Brook Jacoby - Indians - WAHOO!!
Dick Scholfield - Angels
Rex Hudler - Expos
 John Franco - Reds
Guillermo Hernandez - Tigers
Carl Hubbell - Giants - Magic Motion - 1936 NL MVPs
Brent Mayne - Royals
Joey Meyer - Brewers
Greg Matthews - Cardinals
Kelly Downs - Giants
Barry Larkin - Reds
Mark Grace - Cubs
John Costello - Cardinals
Blaine Beatty - Mets
Mike Roesler - Reds
Dave Eiland - Yankees

Well, we certainly, er scored, with some of these guys! An Indian is always a great pull in my book.  We have several Reds and a couple Cardinals in there, too - including one Barry Larkin. Nice! 

*Er, thanks, Cap'n! I had done the math correctly. I just can't type correctly.