
Saturday, August 28, 2010

The fans come out and the Tribe respond

On Friday, more than 17,500 fans came out to see the Indians play.  To say the Tribe has been having a rough go of things lately (as in much of the 2010 season) does not do the phrase "rough go of" any justice.  We die-hard fans sit on the edge of our seats, hoping for something amazing to happen.  This season, those amazing things have generally taken the shape of cool defensive plays.

On Friday, however, the Indians broke out the offense against the Kansas City Royals.  The Tribe scored SIX runs in the 2nd inning with a three-run homer by LaPorta.  By the time the game was over, Gimenez and Nix decided they wanted in on the fun and each also scored three-run homers!

After the game, Indians Manager Acta said, "The long ball was the key. When you have three, three-run home runs, that really helps."

Yes. Yes it does.

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