
Friday, October 9, 2009

Thorzul's Fleer Greats

Not long ago, Thorzul held his own group break.  He offered up cards from a 2006 Fleer Greats of the Game box.  One of the offers was for "Every other team."  Since the Indians were included in that group, I figured "why not?"  And, boy howdy did I hit the jackpot! 

Let's start with the "hits" of the box that I received.  How about an Earl Averill game-used bat!  Yeah, that's right, INDIANS! Wahoo!

Oh, but that isn't all of the fun in this group break!  You see, I also snagged another game-used bat...  How about Mike (friggin-ay) Schmidt!

And was that the end of the fun and games? Oh no!  How about a "Jack the Ripper" nickname card of Jack Clark!?

But, wait!  There's more!  We finish out the day with a Boog Powell autographed card!

And, I use the term "finish out" loosely, since there were TONS of cards in the stack!  Well, okay, 'tons' is a bit strong, but as you can se, there were tons of 'em!

AWESOME stuff!! Thank you, Thorzul!  I'm very happy with my decision to bite the bullet, pay a few extra bucks and go for it!  Well worth the price of admission!!


  1. WOW ! WOW!! Those are really nice! I have the 'Jack the Ripper' base card as part of my sample collection.I could find another base card for my collection if you want it to go with your auto.

  2. Well, up until I got my "bag of tricks" from BBD, I had considered sending the Jack auto card... Now, we'll just have to wait and see.

  3. Nice Powell Auto and Orioles base cards!
