
Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm Published! (off-topic, but then what isn't with me!?)

Well, it's official! After working through several short (and some are short, short) stories, and walking through the publishing process at, I have published my first collection of short stories!

I have to tip my Indians cap to Thorzul for not only pointing the way to, but for also helping with some of the logistics. Thanks a bunch!!

You can buy the book here!

"All This Digging and other stories" is my debut collection of short fiction. Each story gives the reader a glimpse in a moment of time into the lives of the characters portrayed in each tale. While none of them are card-related, or even sports-related, really, in this collection, I know some of you are avid readers and thought I'd share the announcement of my first venture into print (of this magnitude) with you.

Different stories will appeal to different tastes. I hope hope that each reader will find a little of himself or herself in here somewhere. If not, then he or she will certainly find bits of me in each one! Good luck. Thanks for reading!

And, if you order a book during the Labor day weekend, you can take 20% off!! Just use the word WHITE when you check out!! How cool is that!?

You can buy the book here!

Thanks for reading my own version of the "I've Sold Out" post. :-)


  1. That is really cool. I always wanted to be a writer when I was young, and then I had block for about 20 years! Maybe blogging will get me there at some point. Congratulations!

    Mike and JD

  2. AWESOME! Congratulations dude, that's so great! Best of luck with it.

  3. That is great! Congratulations, and if you were correct in saying there is some of you in the book,it's bound to be a success.

  4. Thank you all very much! :-) As for 'success,' the fact that it's actually in print is the true success in my eyes! Sure, I'd love to sell a bunch of copies, but this has been many, many years in the making. I'm VERY happy about it!

  5. Congratulations!!!! I'll be sure to pick up a copy. I hope I get the chance to make a post like this someday in the not too distant future too. There's a sci-fi/fantasy running through my head. :)
