
Monday, September 9, 2013

Tribecards from Outer Space: And the winner is...

This week's draft included a bonus giveaway. The person guessing how many managers would try to claim the Mickey Rivers Autograph card without going over would win a prize to be determined.

And... the winner is.. Play at the Plate! He guessed 24 managers and hit the nail on the head! Out of a total of 29 respondents, 24 asked for the Rivers card. Every single one of those folks asked for him as their first-round pick. I am only pointing that out because I thought it would be fun if someone saved him for later in hopes that somehow a later draft pick would land him. Yeah, yeah, I know in the current system it couldn't happen that way, but it's fun to play that way - in my head.

So, CONGRATS to Play at the Plate! I don't know what your prize will be yet, but I'll toss it in (and let everyone know so that it doesn't get lost in the stack of regular season cards).

As for the lucky manager who ends up with the cool Rivers Auto card? Congratulations Akgonzolyn! You scored the most sought-after card this season (so far)! WAHOO!!

Oil Can Byrd took second place for most wanted: 15 requests.  We had one shut-out: Patrick Smith.

So, how did it all play out?

This is what the draft looked like before we started it up:

Then, we toss everyone into the randomizer:

After that, we put everyone in the randomly selected order for the draft:

And, after all the dust settled, here's what things look like:

Congrats to everyone who snagged players this week!  I'll have the updated manager/player list posted soon.  Then, later tonight we'll bust open a pack of 2013 Topps Series 2 Hobby. Of course, that will appear above this post so there is a chance you'll read that before this one. I guess it all depends on when you check in with things here at Tribecards!

Updated Manager/Player list:


  1. Gee, if I keep coming to the top of the list, people will think I'm really lucky (and my non-winning lottery tickets will attest to my luck) or somehow I'm paying off

    1. Haha, well enjoy it this season. :-) Next season, we won't have a randomly assigned draft order each week. I would simply revel in the good fortune that you've found. Sure, it's no lottery, but...

  2. Excellent. I'll tell you how I came up with the number 24...nah, it's a trade secret.

    1. Haha, well, take that trade secret to the lottery and cash in on Akgonzolyn's good run of bad luck in that department.

  3. By the way, got those cards in the mail for you today. Included the $$ for that Ginter.

    1. Coo, thanks! Looking forward to getting those.

  4. well lookey there!! I got my two Phillies!! too cool!!

    Congrats Akgonzolyn!

