Sunday, August 4, 2013

Draft Results, Updates, and a pack break

The draft results are in! We had one manager with two submissions. 2x3Heroes had two draft entries. I took the timestamp of the latest entry, but not before I had run the names before the randomizer. I just took off the second entry and moved everyone up one spot. In the future, I will do a better job of reading the list (I looked it over, but missed the duplicate entry) and make sure to remove duplicate entries before running the randomizer.  Next season, we won't have things like this come up since I am planning to do a "set picking order" to help even the field throughout the season. Call it a learning adventure. :-)

I also updated Saturday's post with manager names. We cleared the benches! Every pack was hit for the cycle - all players revealed were already accounted for! That is so cool!

The players with the most picks this week were:

Tyler Skaggs - 17 picks
Greg Luzinski - 23 picks
Gorman Thomas - 18 picks
Bill Madlock - 23 picks
and Marlon Byrd - 17 pics

We had 31 participants this week! Unfortunately, we ended up with 9 shut-outs! Ouch!

Here are the draft pics:

Initial picks before randomizing:

Random list:

Sorted list after random:

Final results:

Updated Manager/Player List:

Tonight's pack is 1988 Topps UK Mini:

Bret Saberhagen - Royals - Josh Denhartog (Wahoo!!)
Jose Canseco - A's - Matthew Wilson (Wahoo!!)
Mike Scott - Astros - Samuel Pair (Wahoo!!)
Barry Bonds - Pirates - Sngldddy (Wahoo!!)
Jeffrey Leonard - Giants - Free Agent

Wow! We have a UK Mini up for grabs in the next draft. Sweet! Congrats to you guys adding these cool cards to your collections!

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