Wednesday, August 29, 2012

182 Packs of Baseball - Day 147 - Triplicates in One Pack!?

No long intros on this one, folks. We're jumping in and busting open a pack of 1997 Pinnacle Hobby:

Tim Belcher - Royals
Dmitri Young - Cardinals
Neifi Perez - Rockies
Jamey Wright - Rockies
Darin Erstad - Angels
Jim Thome - Indians - WAHOO!! Thome!!
Brian Jordan - Cardinals
Brian Jordan - Cardinals
Greg Myers - Twins
Brian Jordan - Cardinals

Okay, seriously!? THREE Brian Jordans??  The pack was sealed so far as I could tell. That's just not right, man.  Well, at least we pulled a Thome in an Indians uniform!


  1. Where's quality control when you need it?

  2. You just got Bipped. Either that or it's that "added value" thing I keep hearing about.

  3. Brian Jordan's performance against the Padres in '96 still haunts my dreams.
